Saba Engineering Company Saba Engineering Company is one of the active companies in the group of data processing companies. This company has a history of production in the field of solar power generation systems and has a business card and GC licenses from the country's program and budget organization. The DP Companies Group, with collaboration with member companies and partner groups, operates as a knowledge-based group in the field of renewable energy and has designed, manufactured and implemented various solar energy devices and systems. And has the necessary licenses in the field of contracting renewable projects. The products of this company include the following: Types of solar microcontroller charge controller Types of mobile solar power devices Implementation of shelter solar lighting systems Types of park lights, passages and solar streets Execution of solar power plants connected to the grid and disconnected from the grid Address: No. 26, Unit 7, Erfan Alley, Above Shahid Motahari St., Mirzai Shirazi St. Tehran/Iran Phone: +98 21 88554026 Fax: +98 21 88554023 Email: Contact with Saba Engineering Company Sender Name Sender name is required. Email Email is required. Email is not valid. Phone Phone is required. Phone is invalid format. Title Title is required. Description Generate New Image Generate New Image